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作者:147小编 发布时间:2023-08-23 18:41:56点击:900


武汉鑫朗宸建设有限责任公司创立于2016年, 经过多年的不懈努力,公司现已经成为一家从事管道清洗技术开发及设备、生产销售和施工的高科技企业。公司成立几年来,一直致力于当下实际较难攻克的施工案例,做出分西陵水泥过路顶管析研究及开发,设备材料产品现广泛应用于城市市政工程、石油化工等多种行业,公司在施工领域多次受到业内的一致好评,多次荣获高科技术奖章、研发设水气计脉冲管道清洗技术荣获高新技术奖、以现在的基础不断创新,公西陵水泥过路顶管司涉及业务成功地替代了多种进口设备及材料,为用户极大地控制成本、减少资源浪费、低碳排放、也为我们的环保事业做出了我们的一份微薄贡献!

打开凤凰新闻,查看更多高清图片巍巍秦岭 雄浑壮阔Towering Q西陵水泥过路顶管inling Mountain is so vigorous and magnificent这条横贯中国东西的浩荡山脉This mighty mountain chain that runs thro西陵水泥过路顶管ugh the China’s east and west

绵延着华夏文明五千年的沧桑巨变Not only extends the five-thousand-years of vicissitudes西陵水泥过路顶管 and changes of Chinese civilization

也赋予了一座小城But also endows a small city山灵水秀的自然景观和绮丽文化With natural l西陵水泥过路顶管andscape and splendid culture被秦岭环抱的这座小城

The small city surrounded by Qinling Mountain就是有熊猫家园之称的陕西省佛坪县西陵水泥过路顶管Is Foping County, Shaanxi Province known as the homeland of panda.

峰峦叠嶂 秀然灵动的佛坪Bright Foping with rou西陵水泥过路顶管nding ranges of hills面积1279平方公里 3.5万人口Covers an area of 1, 279 square kilometers and has a populatio西陵水泥过路顶管n of 35,000

而高达90.3%的森林覆盖率But its 90.3% of forest coverage rate使这里的青山秀水Makes green hill and beautiful西陵水泥过路顶管

Hailed as the area with the best ecological environment at the same latitud西陵水泥过路顶管

应从国宝大熊猫说起Has something to do with the Chinese n西陵水泥过路顶管

平均每1.5平方公里就有西陵水泥过路顶管一只大熊猫活动There is a panda at interval of 1.5 square kilometers透过全球首例棕色大熊猫的慵懒神态Through the lazy express西陵水泥过路顶管ion of world’s first brown panda

我们似乎才能真正读懂We are able to truly read“一城秀水半城山”的佛坪神韵The romantic charm 西陵水泥过路顶管of Foping described as “a city surrounded by mountain and water”

西陵水泥过路顶管ningful reputation of美誉的意味深长The “first county of Panda in China”自古深山藏异禽

Since ancient times, strange 西陵水泥过路顶管animals hidden in the remote mountains在佛坪生态完整的原始森林深处In the Foping’s well-preserved primordial forest西陵水泥过路顶管

金丝猴Golden monkey羚牛Takin朱鹮等众多珍稀野生动物随处可见Crested ibis and other valuable and rare wild animals can be s西陵水泥过路顶管een everywhere

身临其境Only when we are personally on the scene才能触摸它们We can touch them与这方逶迤天地的相得益彰And fee西陵水泥过路顶管l harmony of the meandering world

山因水而显得柔美Mountain appears to be more graceful thanks to water水因山而显得多西陵水泥过路顶管情While water turns to be sentimental with mountain

椒溪 金水 蒲河Jiaoxi Stream, Jinshui River and Puhe Rive西陵水泥过路顶管r.三条水质优良的水系穿城而过These three water systems possessing high quality water run through the city

西陵水泥过路顶管水源涵养上For water conservation of China’s South-North Water Transfer Project扮演着举足轻重的角色They are of great西陵水泥过路顶管 importance

当崇山峻岭与碧水蓝西陵水泥过路顶管天在佛坪相逢When towering and steep mountains come across blue water and azure sky in Foping当现代文明与原始生态在佛坪交西陵水泥过路顶管

When modern civilization meets primitive ecology in Foping在建的西成高铁The Xi’an-Chengdu High-speed Rail 西陵水泥过路顶管under construction

穿过秦岭的千年古韵Passes through the ancient rhyme of Qinling Mountain正向着绿色盎然的佛坪阔步而来Is taki西陵水泥过路顶管ng big strides to green Foping

西陵水泥过路顶管for setting up a railway station in Foping

莫过于能将藏匿在大山深处的奇货山珍Is no more than to accelerate the sharing西陵水泥过路顶管 of能够更加快速的与世界分享Rare and valuable goods hidden in the mountain with the world

山青千叶茂Green mountain bear西陵水泥过路顶管s luxuriant trees水暖百花开While warm water gives birth to flowers阴翳蔽日的佛坪Luxuriant Foping

孕育了我国最丰富的植物资源宝库和西陵水泥过路顶管天然药库Breads the China’s most abundant plant resources treasury and natural drug storage room

佛坪被誉为“中国山西陵水泥过路顶管茱萸之乡”Foping is also praised as “the native place of China’s dogwood”10万亩的山萸黄花It has 100 thousands of西陵水泥过路顶管 mu of cornus canadensis

续写着山茱萸两千年的种植历史Renewing the bi-millennial planting history of dogwood以果大 肉厚 药西陵水泥过路顶管用成分高而成中药佳品It becomes to be top-grade traditional Chinese Medicine with its large flesh and big fruit西陵水泥过路顶管 as well as medical composition

西陵水泥过路顶管ood得益于秦岭之心得天独厚的地理优势Because of the endowed geographical advantage of Qinling Mountain

佛坪食用菌从最初的零星种植Edi西陵水泥过路顶管ble fungi in Foping grows from fragmentary planting到现在初具规模的食用菌产业园区To scaled edible fungi industrial 西陵水泥过路顶管park

规模在变While the scale is changing食药兼用的原生味道从未改变Its edible and medical native taste has never been c西陵水泥过路顶管hanged

佛坪的灵气The spirit of Foping流连于山高水长之间Lingers between towering mountain and tricklet而常年18℃以下的山泉秀水T西陵水泥过路顶管he mountain spring water below 18℃all the year round

西陵水泥过路顶管ural cultivation pond and the best native breeding zone for wild cold water fish

都市人魂牵梦绕的奇货山珍Those ra西陵水泥过路顶管re and valuable goods in the eye of urbanite在佛坪却是普通农户的家常味道Is the ordinary taste for household in Fop西陵水泥过路顶管ing

百花之香的土蜂蜜Fragrant earth honey山养土长的乌鸡蛋Rural dark egg天麻、香菇等都是佛坪Gastrodia elata and lentinula edodes 西陵水泥过路顶管and so on

质取天然的野生臻品Are natural wild goods in Foping电商行业协会成立The establishment of E-business Industry A西陵水泥过路顶管ssociation

线下体验店和线上京东中国特产佛坪馆的建成Offline experience center and online Jingdong Chinese Specialty Foping西陵水泥过路顶管 Pavilion促成了原生农业和电子商务的完美结合

Facilitate perfect combination of both native agriculture and e-commerce高铁西陵水泥过路顶管时代的来临和电子商务的落地The coming of high-speed rail age and the landing of e-business

让佛坪从此与世界触手可及Make Foping 西陵水泥过路顶管connect the world时代在变Although times are changing一脉相承的却是从未改变的原生品质Inherent native quality remains the 西陵水泥过路顶管same

佛坪FopingIs sharing natural taste with the world

武汉鑫朗宸建设有限责任公司创立于2016年, 经过多年的不懈努力,公司现已经成为一家从事管道清洗西陵水泥过路顶管术开发及设备、生产销售和施工的高科技企业。公司成立几年来,一直致力于当下实际较难攻克的施工案例,做出分析研究及开发,设备材料产品现广泛应用于城市市政工程、石油化工等多种行业,公司在施工领域多次受到业内西陵水泥过路顶管的一致好评,多次荣获高科技术奖章、研发设水气计脉冲管道清洗技术荣获高新技术奖、以现在的基础不断创新,公司涉及业务成功地替代了多种进口设备及材料,为用户极大地控制成本、减少资源浪费、低碳排放、也为我们的西陵水泥过路顶管环保事业做出了我们的一份微薄贡献!








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